這個答案我決定好好跟大家公佈一下!!!他們就是... My Little Airport

My Little Airport這個團體來自香港,是倆個大學學生組成,一個是P負責創作編曲,一個是嗓音輕輕柔柔的Nicole。他們默契絕佳,可是他們不是情侶。Nicole喜歡吃香蕉;P喜歡用最簡單的casio玩具鍵盤,做出童音般的可愛奇特聲音。他們的首張專輯雖然驚人的空降叱吒電台排行榜,但他們還是依照自己的人生規劃希望在雜誌社工作,然後慢慢的一張一張做自己喜愛的音樂。

「在動物園散步才是正經事」這是關於青春歲月的音樂。專輯中的每首歌以人名開始,都是寫給過往失散的朋友。歌詞寫的都是很普通很日常的瑣事,透出淡淡的生活感,藉著回憶過去,來珍惜現在所擁有。整體來說,My Little Airport的音樂、歌聲和歌詞,互構成一種特有的清新氣質,編織出一個單純的世界,迷人可愛。 而我手機答鈴就是這張專輯裡面的第三首歌...《victor, fly me to stafford 》。

《victor, fly me to stafford 》 music / lyrics by p

This is the last song I write for you.
This is the last night I think of you.
Your name is Victor Ching, how do you do?
I phoned you this morning you couldn't hear me,
I sent you letter you couldn't receive.
It's my favorite game, but I have changed.

It's too late to say I miss you Victor Ching,
and you are on your way to Stafford in UK.
I know it's too late to say I'm fond of you.
You've got a girl from Singapore
who you didn't like before.

I love you when you no longer love me.
I need you when you no longer need me.
You wanted me, but you have changed already.

It's too late to say I miss you Victor Ching…

PS.特意把這首歌放在晚上,因為希望大家要趕在太陽升起之前,對著自己最最思念的人說...I MISS YOU

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